Meeting a Brazilian language learner!

Event description

  • Dátum: Feb 03, 2013
  • Time: 14:00
  • Adresa: Address visible for attendees
  • Telefónne číslo: 532-530-401 (t-mobi)

Let`s meet just not to eat hamburger, but to chat :) ! You can bring a notebook to jot down new things that you may learn by meeting with me. And I would love if you could teach me anything related to foreign languages! Come you guys! We can practice the following languages: English, Polish, Portuguese, Japanese, Spanish, French, German, Swedish, Esperanto and Korean.

Spotkajmy się, nie aby zjeść sobie kanapki, lecz by pogadać! To trzeba przynieść ze sobą jakiś notatnik, by napisać nowe rzeczy, których można ode mnie się nauczyć dzięki takiemu spotkaniu! Byłoby doskonale, gdyby mnie nauczyłbyś czegokolwiek ciekawego związanego z językami obcym, na których punkcie po prostu mam bzika! Serdecznie zapraszam wszystkich chętnych!

Marlon Couto Ribeiro

Hovoria o nás!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


Madelyn profile picture MadelynJanuary 2013

Thanks indeed It's a great idea! I'm looking forward to these meetings. Hoepfully, more people will be willing to come.. As for me, I already have plans for this Sunday, so can't come... Regards!

vincent profile picture vincentJanuary 2013
Thanks for proposal !! you are speaking so many languages, this is amazing! please click on Send Invitation so all members can hear about your event
Tomasz46 profile picture Tomasz46January 2013
Amigo, gostaria vir mas trabalho extra esso sabado :/
marloncori profile picture marloncoriJanuary 2013
Add me on Skype: marlon.cori