Norway - Rete Polyglot

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bertersen profile picture bertersenJuly 2012
wanna chat?
taronoh profile picture taronohSeptember 2012

jeg er franskstatborger og har jeg vært 28 år i Norge men har jeg fremmedeles problemer med språk , min familie er norsk men alle snakker Fransk med meg . jeg har vært Fransk lære 5 år i Stavanger. min hotmail er: taronohtaronoh profile picture

Split1950 profile picture Split1950September 2012
Hey everyone I am from Croatia, so I can help you with my language. Also, I can help you with Bosnian or Serbian if you want. I am looking for someone who can help me with Norwegian.
dim-dim profile picture dim-dimAugust 2012

Hello, I can help you with English and Russian ( I'm a native Russian speaker). Besides, I suggest culture exchange. You can find me here
dim-dim profile picture dim-dimAugust 2012


Hello, I can help you with English and Russian ( I'm a native Russian speaker). Besides, I suggest culture exchange. You can find me here

September1969 profile picture September1969August 2012
Ich wolle der German sprachen leren und freundin finden.
Schreiben mit frauen, 35 - 50 yaren alt.
Crea un evento (Norway)


Parlano di noi!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club