Morocco - Polyglot Network

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Chào mừng Morocco tới mạng lưới Polyglot

Welcome to Morocco Polyglot Network!

Bienvenue au  réseau  Polyglot Maroc!

مرحبا بكم في شبكة بوليغلوت المغرب 


Morocco, officially known as the Kingdom of Morocco is a  country located in the North Africa. Morocco  has a coastline on both the North Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.

Languages : Morocco's official languages are Arabic and Berber but the most commonly spoken languages among the people of Morocco is Darija a dialect of Arabic or Berber who is spoken in three dialects( Tashlhit, Tamazight and tarifit). Many Moroccans speak foreign languages especially French, Spanish and English.


kenyhyunlee profile picture kenyhyunleeJuly 2012
Hi!! Please, i want to find a korean teacher!!!!!!!
kenyhyunlee profile picture kenyhyunleeJuly 2012
salut !! J'aimerais bien maitriser la langue coréenne et je peux enseigner le français.
mouhssin profile picture mouhssinJune 2012
Je n'arrive pas à m'exprimer.
saradah profile picture saradahJuly 2011

salut tout le monde !!   j'ai besoin de métriser la langue francais    et d'etre au courant pour   mieux   communiquer é parler courament cette langue

morenah profile picture morenahJuly 2011


Je suis de Rabat et puis si tu as besoin d'aide avec la langue française ) n'hésite pas :) xxx

vincent profile picture vincentFebruary 2010

Hi yarah

could you please organize a meeting


Tạo sự kiện (Morocco)

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