zjkikaz17 - Profile

Trust points: 210 (1%)

About me

I am really looking for anyone who could help me with my spanish as i am not a beginner, move me through esperanto (i know the basics) and start to teach me german, Italian, French, or yiddish, if you can do any please help me out!! I am hapy to teach english for your help! HOLA, Yo tomo clases de espanol en mi escuela pero me gustaria aprender mas espanol de un nativo, porque quiero estar Bilingual en ingles y espanol, Y me encanto el espanol!!! Sal...Mi okupis kurson de esperanto en la interreto sed mi sxatus lerni pli. Mia esperanto ne estas tre bone sed mi laboros multe!! I dont know any of the rest of the languages, the only yiddish i know are the funny words my grandparents and parents will say from time to time. PLEASE HELP OUT!!

Teaching language


Registration:December 2004
Last login date:December 2004