polentz - Profile

About me

Hi, I'm Massimiliano! I am graduated in law, I love reading and walking, I am also interested in history. I'd like to become fluent in english and french because I'd like to live in another country. I'd like to find someone interested in learning italian so we can help each other and have some fun. Ciao a tutti! (: Salut, je m'appelle Massimiliano! Je suis lauré en droit, j'aime lire et me promener dans la nature. Je voudrais parler couramment en français et anglais, pour etre en mesure de vivre dans an autre pays. Si vuos voulez apprendre l'italien on peut nous aider. A bientot! (:

Teaching language

Learning language


Registration:January 2016
Last login date:March 2019
Number of logins:98