Svampen - Profile

Trust points: 620 (2%)

About me

Not much to say about myself. I am a normal teenager from the middle of Sweden. I like to learn and I like everything which makes my adrenaline pump. Guessing I should update this: I'm from a farm in the north of Sweden and speaks Swedish thanks to that. I studied in the IB and speak English. I got to learn a bit of German in school and I do love a pint with friends (or unknowns). A bit of Spanish just to make my passionate soul fit a bit better with a language. The basics of French and Italian aren't that extensive, but they do sound good. All thanks to girlfriends. I absolutely love to travel, and to do whatever that makes me happy. Which is most things actually. I can't resist challenges and anything that makes my blood pump a bit faster

Teaching language

Learning language


Registration:August 2013
Last login date:April 2020
Number of logins:47
Email Open Rate:0.2%