Do you want to learn Twi?

75% GOOD (4 votes)
I am a British teacher in Ghana who is developing resources for learning Twi. I would be glad to help anyone to learn the language.


hlakeidra profile picture hlakeidraJuly 2011

  Hello , so my boyfriend of 2years is from Ghana, its sad that I still cant speak it I really need to learn to interact with friends and family better, PLEASE Help, will to teach english for trade!


Chris2011 profile picture Chris2011January 2011

Hi there, Im Chris from London. I would like to learn Twi so I can converse with my husbands family and friends. Are you able to help me , many thanks

MissOpoku22 profile picture MissOpoku22May 2009

Hello my name is felicia, and iam a british born ghanaian, i am a fluent twi listener but i just cant speak, it is frustrating when you can understand what everyone is saying but just cant reply. PLEASE help me ive bought some study aids which are very basic, which i knew already do you know any advance twi aids.

rachelasantenaomi profile picture rachelasantenaomiMarch 2009
I would really like to  learn some basic Twi. My goal isn't necessarily to become fluent, but to at least be able to carry on a conversation. I know a few things already, but not nearly as much as I'd like to. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thx
priscilla123 profile picture priscilla123January 2009
would you please help me to speak twi fluently without no mistakes i would be much appreciated