100% GOOD (1 votes)DijawabLanguage Question
Iyi sabahlar Türk arkadaslarim ! mutlu ve Iyi byramin olsun! Burada bir sorum var "birini" ve "birisi" arasındaki fark nedir?

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Cesss06 profile picture Cesss06May 2020
biri=birisi You can use these as the same words. But if you use these words in a sentence as an object, you should add "-i" suffix:
Biri/birisi aradı->Someone called
O, birini/birisini aradı->He called someone
Note: biri-n-i -> the "n" is buffer letter
I hope it helps. Hoşça kal!
nycl profile picture nyclMay 2020
İyi Bayramlar
Nothing different. They are the same words.
Meaning depends on the situation.
Maybe you can think like this:
when we use biri this mean is" one "
but when we use birisi this mean" the one"
But no much difference between them so you can use both of them.