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translation of this sentence

Bizim hatamız barış görüşmelerini şeffaf şekilde topluma mal edememek oldu


numanaral profile picture numanaralDecember 2016

To answer your question for his comment -had to write it here due to messy look-.

"mâl etmek" is actually the right way of writing "mal etmek" and. It has many meanings such as:

(Try to relate the bold words to their meaning)

  • 1) "bir değer karşılığında sahip olmak", meaning "to posses in exchange for some value/merit" -> "COST me A fortune to get that car"
  • 2) "kendi malı, eseri, buluşu gibi benimsemek veya saymak", meaning "adopt/regard as if its your own property, invention etc" -> "No matter where the source came from, we REGARDED it AS our own for so long"
  • 3) "yüklemek, ait olduğunu göstermek" meaning "to burden with/to show belonging" -> "In order to benefit from this old man's heritage, he will BURDEN him WITH his kid [meaning -sort of- making him have possession on the kid]" 

I would say "mal edememek" is used in sense of "not being able to burden the ___ with" or "not being able to make ___ adopt to" in this case, where ___ is "toplum", meaning "society/community".

Hope that helps!

HefeWeizen profile picture HefeWeizenDecember 2016
Bizim hatamız barış görüşmelerini şeffaf bir şekilde topluma anlatamamak oldu

  •  December 2016
    "mâl etmek" is actually the right way of writing "mal etmek" and. It has many meanings such as: (Try to relate the bold words to the meaning) 1) "bir değer karşılığında sahip olmak", meaning "to posses in exchange for some value/merit" -> "COST me A fortune to get that car", 2) "kendi malı, eseri, buluşu gibi benimsemek veya saymak", meaning "adopt/regard as if its your own property, invention etc" -> "No matter where the source came from, we REGARDED it AS our own for so long", and 3) "yüklemek, ait olduğunu göstermek" meaning "to burden with/to show belonging" -> "In order to benefit from this old man's heritage, he will BURDEN him WITH his kid [meaning -sort of- making him have possession on the kid]". I would say "mal edememek" is used in sense of "not being able to burden the ___ with" or "not being able to make ___ adopt to" in this case, where ___ is "toplum", meaning "society/community". Hope that helps!
  • pekka12345 profile picture pekka12345December 2016
    thank you very much, is "mal etmek" and "anlatmak" identical? can we use them interchangeably? if not can you explain it? thanks again