100% GOOD (5 votes)odpovedalaLanguage Question
Hi. I am from the United States and only know English. I want to learn Turkish and would like help. Thank you.

PS: Try out these free Turkish learning lessons: Free instruction: PrepositionsHOW MANYWeatherNature


gokaybardak profile picture gokaybardakFebruary 2018
hi ı am gokay from turkey.simply ı want to be practice on my english with a friend and ı can teach turkhish ıf you want to be my friend
Edanur01 profile picture Edanur01February 2018
I can teach Turkish. I want to learn English too. Can you help me please

simyaci84 profile picture simyaci84January 2018
Hi l can help you about Turkish. Already l am improving my english too. Take care...
english_ma profile picture english_maJanuary 2018
hello calluis. I can teach you. ok?
ottogirl profile picture ottogirlDecember 2017
Hi, I can help you to learning Turkish. I'd like to learn english.
furkan_cel profile picture furkan_celDecember 2017
hello ı am from turkish.ı want to learn engilsh need your help ?
ugur_calis profile picture ugur_calisDecember 2017
ı want to learn english can ı help me
mehmet_col profile picture mehmet_colDecember 2017
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