100% GOOD (5 votes)ΑπαντήθηκεΓλωσσική Ερώτηση
Hi. I am from the United States and only know English. I want to learn Turkish and would like help. Thank you.

PS: Try out these free Turkish learning lessons: Free instruction: PrepositionsHOW MANYWeatherNature


Calluis25 profile picture Calluis25August 2016
Thank you!
jody_moham profile picture jody_mohamDecember 2018
Thank you
hassan_ham2 profile picture hassan_ham2November 2018
add me as freind and i can help you
Sanemergin profile picture SanemerginOctober 2018
I can teach you
filis811 profile picture filis811October 2018
I can help you learn Turkish, my friend!
Cemre-bykkrks profile picture Cemre-bykkrksOctober 2018
hello Calluis I can help you. I know Turkish. I can teach you . but I think I want to English.
yagmurt profile picture yagmurtJuly 2018
hi.I am trying to learn English.I thing we will chat.
bigdiver profile picture bigdiverJune 2018
ım from turkey.only know turkish.ı want to learn english and would like help...thank u