Do you want learn turkish?

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Hi all,

If you want to learn Turkish, then I can help you...




samoura14 profile picture samoura14September 2009

  hi my name is samar

i want to learn turkish

and if you want i can teach you english and arabic

if you agree plz send me a messege

Nara1983 profile picture Nara1983July 2007


I'm Nara. I am interested in making English ,Turkish and Korean speaking friends and penpals. Beside these languages I know Russian,Tajik and Uzbek  and if you wish i could teach you them as well.

wesgj profile picture wesgjJuly 2007

Hello Janet .  Thank you for wanting to help people learn Turkish.  I live in Colorado, in the United States.

I have lived two times in Turkey, Ankara and Adana, for a total of four years.  I'd love to correspond with you.  I'm at:

wesgjwesgj profile picture

Sincerely,  Lynn Stout

lazteacher profile picture lazteacherJune 2007

hi janet

ý am a teacher turkýsh language maybe ý help you are learning turkish enter my msn adress lazteacherlazteacher profile picture bye

ý will enter my msn adress your mail adress

paganini profile picture paganiniJune 2007
türkçe öðrenmek isteyenlere yardýmcý olabilirim gramer olarak öðretemesemde çok iyi türkçe konuþmatý öðretebilirim.tabi isterseniz...................yazmayý da öðretirim eðer ban ulaþmak isiyorsanýz paganinipaganini profile picture adresini ekleyip bir mail ile yollayabilrsiniz.
EdReKeNe profile picture EdReKeNeMay 2007

Selam Arkadaþlar... Ben Antalya'dan Ö nder. Konuþmak isteyenler varsa pratik yapmak adýna elimden geleni yaparým. Tek bir þartla tabiki :) ingilizce konusunda sizlerde bana yardým edeceksiniz...    (Pratik)

e-mail adres                  EdReKeNeEdReKeNe profile picture


Alp_eren profile picture Alp_erenApril 2007

Hello Cari and  Ferre!

I'm wondering why you are so interested in Turkish? How did you decide to learn it? :)

cari132 profile picture cari132April 2007
hey there, i'm learning turkish but i'm having lots of trouble with it, so if anyone could help me i would be sooo happy   thanks a lot!