GIVE ANSWERS - العربية القياسية

Undi sekarang!Tidak dijawab
Hey I am a 16 year old from the US, I also am a native spanish speaker so I can help anyone who wants to improve either. Is anyone interested in doing an exchange? I want to practice French:)


INES2001 profile picture INES2001December 2016

I want learn english and i can teach you french and arabic

mahmoud_ab2 profile picture mahmoud_ab2December 2016
I want learn english
Ican teach u arabic
lemlih profile picture lemlihApril 2015
hi, i can help you, you can contact me in my skype: lemlihrachid.

amr09 profile picture amr09April 2015

i want you to learn me english on the other hand
i will learn you arabic language ..
my skype Mesa Amr
amgadayman profile picture amgadaymanDecember 2014
Hi am amgad From Egypt,

I wanna talk with you and learn English and I can help you to speak and learn Arabic.
Maiita profile picture MaiitaDecember 2014
te puedo ayudar en el árabe
Elmohamedy profile picture ElmohamedyDecember 2014
hi marcano! my name is mohamed from Egypt , u seems to be a treasure because i do love spanish and English
so can you help me?
me gustaria "help" , por favor