GIVE ANSWERS - العربية القياسية

100% GOOD (6 votes)Dijawab
Hello I'm German and I want to learn Arabic. Does anyone want to help me learn it?


azayoub1961 profile picture azayoub1961November 2014
haloo ich bin ayoub . kann ich Hilfe leisten
  • David-11 profile picture David-11December 2014
    Ja gerne, meine mutter sprache ist Arabisch und ich suche auch deutschlernen lehrer اتمنى لك حظا موفقا وشكرا
Amiiine profile picture AmiiineDecember 2014
Arabic is my mother tongue , i can help you with it, please feel free to contact me
temptress profile picture temptressDecember 2014
yes. I'm an arab and I will be happy to help you. reply me as you actually want to learn. I'm a professional Arabic tutor
drmak85 profile picture drmak85December 2014
yes sure I can help you with that...
Lara_Adeeb profile picture Lara_AdeebDecember 2014
yes I can help you and I'd like to learn German . please contact me
3antar profile picture 3antarDecember 2014
i am here for teach others arabic without price
Aymen1 profile picture Aymen1November 2014
hello i'm aymen i can help you