GIVE ANSWERS - العربية القياسية

투표하세요!답변언어 질문
can anyone help me translate these sentences?

can anyone help me translate these 

PS: Check out these free Standard Arabic learning resources: Learning class: Days of the WeekEastern NumeralsPast tense conjugationAsking for directions


laula7 profile picture laula7September 2017
هل يستطع احدكم بمساعدتي بترجمة هذه الجملة
ange_ail profile picture ange_ailNovember 2016

00201016879444 Viber I am wee chat I am I will teach Arabic Language
nice to meet you language Language chat education Learning Chinese Learn Japanese. تشرفت بمعر فتك. I would be glad if i can help you. If you could help me, i would be happy I am I will teach Ar

vincent profile picture vincentJanuary 2015
Thanks for asking a question related to language learning
AhmadRabaia profile picture AhmadRabaiaDecember 2014
هل هناك من يستطيع ان يترجم هذه
khalilipone profile picture khaliliponeSeptember 2014
where are the sentences?
Slimoxico profile picture SlimoxicoNovember 2014
what sentences? just send them