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🕒 How do we Express the Future in Standard Arabic?

PS: Here are some related free lessons to learn Standard Arabic: Free resource: GeographyCompound nouns in ArabicPrepositionsDays of the Week

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Batoule profile picture BatouleJune 2022
سوف، سأفعل، غدا، في الايام القادمة
hekma profile picture hekmaJune 2022
Actually in Arabic we have three tenses which are past, present and imperative tenses.
In present tense , we sometimes use it to refer to the future by using some letters like س or words like سوف.
To be clear I will give a simple example
This is a sentence refers to the present tense
يلعب الولد بالكرة
If i will add the letter س or the words سوف , it will be referring to the the future tense
سيلعب الولد بالكرة
أو سوف يلعب الولد بالكرة
The boy will play soccer.
bezzaf profile picture bezzafMay 2022
مستقبلا . في قادم الايام. لاحقا . عن قريب.