GIVE ANSWERS - العربية القياسية

Stem nu!Onbeantwoord
What does او يوضع له mean in the following sentence و كنى بكف الرحمان عن القبول اذ كل قابل لشيء يأخذه بكفه او يوضع له فيه I understand the part before this but not او يوضع له فيه او يوضع له فيه

The first part reads "The phrase the Hand of the Merciful is a metaphor for acceptance. Because every (entity) who accept a thing sizes it in the palm of his hand or..." او يوضع له فيه

Does that part mean "or it (the thing) is placed for him in his hand?"


Ghadeerhz profile picture GhadeerhzJune 2014
يأخذه بكفه = he take it by his hand
أو = or
يوضع له فيه = some one put it in it "not the person take it by him self"
Hich01 profile picture Hich01May 2014
او يوضع له فيه = Or put it