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Translation of: A word can have several meanings.

A word can have several meanings.
يمكن أن يكون كلمة معانٍ عديدة

Is the translation correct?

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jupp profile picture juppOctober 2020
Could it be written this way too: كلمة واحدة يمكن أن يكون معان عديدة
What’s better?
  • Mona00Mostafa profile picture Mona00MostafaDecember 2020
    Both are good but the first expression which is
    ”الكلام حمال اوجه” is better than the other one as ”الكلام حمال اوجه” is more eloquent.
Recimir profile picture RecimirDecember 2020

A bit heavy but you can say for the sake of beautiful expressions 😊 الكلام حمّالٌ أوجُهْ

saifullah313 profile picture saifullah313October 2020
Yes, the sentence is correct.