GIVE ANSWERS - العربية القياسية

94% GOOD (17 votes)Va respondre
i want to learn arabic and can teach turkish or english in exchange. i have no contact with arabic language before.


solly11 profile picture solly11August 2015
What is your name
solly11 profile picture solly11August 2015
moony22 profile picture moony22August 2015
I can teach you
rachid_b profile picture rachid_bAugust 2015
hey, i can teach you Arabic and somme French. And want to learn English
takoua profile picture takouaAugust 2015
i can teach you arabic
Raniahassan profile picture RaniahassanAugust 2015
I must to learn English , i can help u to be berfect in arbic and i can help u to learn Quran and Islamic relagion in arbic