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how to respond "ahlan"

i know it means something like "hi" , i wonder how it is responded i know there are many many ways to respond it, but could you guys tell me the most common one?

PS: Immerse yourself in these free Standard Arabic lessons: Free resource: THE CASES OR DECLENSION OF NOUNS (Subjet, Direct and Indirec objects)SocietyElectionTypes of Sentences


khalilipone profile picture khaliliponeSeptember 2014
ahlan is like saying welcome and you cannot respond for this word. but hi is like saying asalam alaykom and you can respond by saying wa alaykom asalam
shirifa profile picture shirifaAugust 2014
simply by saying" Ahlan" (repeating the same way) just like in English when someone says hi you repond with Hi. hope that helps
maba1357 profile picture maba1357August 2021
BushraH profile picture BushraHApril 2017
ahlan=you are welcome
Alaatayeb profile picture AlaatayebSeptember 2016
AMMAR_EKSAYAD profile picture AMMAR_EKSAYADSeptember 2016
Hello .. I read your words and I can help you to learn Arabic .. it's my native language .. if you ready massege me .
Abdollah profile picture AbdollahOctober 2013
Rofida profile picture RofidaOctober 2013
ahlan wa sahlan