DA RESPUESTAS - العربية القياسية

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"Teach me your language" in Arabic?

Hey guys, I wanna print myself a Tshirt with "Teach me your language" in many different languages. So what would that in Arabic be?
Can you please post it in latin alphabet as well as in arabic? Thanks in advance!

PS: Find free Standard Arabic learning lessons here: Exercises: Useful SentensesBirthdayCookingAl ham'za الهمزة


Bennoni profile picture BennoniMarch 2017
hey, i'm actually not that interested in, i know a little bit, thats enough for now for me, i just want to know that sentence
Massari23 profile picture Massari23May 2017
Ich kann mehrere sprache sprechen auser deutsch weil ich noch lernen >Wir können zusammen studieren

BushraH profile picture BushraHApril 2017
علمني لغتك= teach me your language

that mean in Arabic
moftah_als profile picture moftah_alsApril 2017
Call me on whatss 00218923612917
samehmahmoud profile picture samehmahmoudMarch 2017
this my skype emai ahmed.ahmed44334 if u intersted in improving your arabic speaking add me and you help me with your language