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What is diference between "مسرور" and "مسرورة"?

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blackman2014 profile picture blackman2014October 2014
the difference is the gender . you say to the man انت مسرور and you say to the woman انتى مسروره
Alkhaled801 profile picture Alkhaled801October 2014
مسروره for woman
Alkhaled801 profile picture Alkhaled801October 2014
مسرور for men
shirifa profile picture shirifaAugust 2014
if you are a female say: أنا مسرورة
if you are a man: أنا مسرور
raagaad profile picture raagaadAugust 2014
مسرورة للانثى
مثلًا : انا مسرورة .. امبير مسرورة

مسرور للرجل
مثلًا : انا مسرور ... اخو امبير مسرور
hassaan_ra profile picture hassaan_raAugust 2014
مسرورة for women
مسرور for men
Lossa profile picture LossaJuly 2014
the deference that مسرور for Male/Man,boy
and مسرورة for Female/woman,girl