GIVE ANSWERS - العربية القياسية

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انا اريد تعلم اللغة الانجليزية


abotalal1434 profile picture abotalal1434July 2016
good morning sir
I'm Abdulrahman Aleid from Saudi Arabia and I live in Riyadh and I want to find someone who talks English very well to teach me and correct my mistakes and learn me all things to improve my English language and I don't like to read or listen any thing when I am alone h don't know why

Best regards

my phone number is 050414320
EslamSalamoka profile picture EslamSalamokaAugust 2013
me too
th3empirial profile picture th3empirialDecember 2013
Waseemoooo1 profile picture Waseemoooo1August 2013
i can help u