GIVE ANSWERS - العربية القياسية

100% GOOD (2 votes)Onbeantwoord
ساعدني :)

I would love to learn Arabic, I only know the letters and some words. I speak English, Danish and Farsi, so I could help you with those languages.

Best regards,


Vanilla_sky94 profile picture Vanilla_sky94November 2015
Hey, Arabic language is my mother tongue, if you you need any help you can contact me.
aymony90 profile picture aymony90October 2015
add me on whatssap 00962789076097
i from jordan
aymony90 profile picture aymony90October 2015
oky i will learn you arabic language but iwant learn me english language
abdocivil1 profile picture abdocivil1October 2015
i can help you add me on whatsup 00249928411420 im ready
diksone profile picture diksoneOctober 2015
I can help you i speak arabic and french add me on skype diiiksone (france)
mahamedsadat profile picture mahamedsadatOctober 2015
i can help you add me on whatsup 00201009663616