GIVE ANSWERS - العربية القياسية

100% GOOD (1 votes)odpovedalaLanguage Question
Arabic Alphabet - Alfabeto Árabe - 阿拉伯字母

en: Do you any webpage where I can learn how to read and write Arabic?

es: ¿Conoce usted alguna página web donde pudiese aprender como escribir y leer en árabe?

zh: 你知道一个网页我会学习如何写字和阅读阿拉伯语?

zh: 你知道一個網頁我會學習如何寫字和閱讀阿拉伯語?

pt: Você conhece algum site onde eu poderia aprender como escrever e ler na escrita árabe?

PS: Try out these free Standard Arabic learning lessons: Free material: Formation and usageCountriesFormation and placementFirst and second conditional


sam_shaar profile picture sam_shaarJune 2017
i can help you to learn if you want
Towski profile picture TowskiFebruary 2015
take a look at this video, it may help u