GIVE ANSWERS - العربية القياسية

100% GOOD (4 votes)beantwoordTaalvraag
I need to get Arabic from a picture translated. If you can help, please message me! I will send you the photo by email. Thanks so much!

PS: Here are some related free lessons to learn Standard Arabic: Learning: FinanceDays of the weekGenderConjugation of the verb to write in the perfect


aluy profile picture aluyApril 2015
OmarTohamy profile picture OmarTohamyApril 2015
Send the photo if you still need help
Alhossen profile picture AlhossenApril 2015
Still need nay help, I am ready !
med1302 profile picture med1302April 2015
YES ok contact me
MOHAMED4EGY profile picture MOHAMED4EGYApril 2015
I can help you
انا استطيع أن اعلمك العربية
SaryAsh profile picture SaryAshMarch 2015
Khawla23 profile picture Khawla23February 2015
send me your picture