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”Convitato di pietra”


hay expresiones en español de significado parecido a "convitato di pietra" italiano?

Su significado, equivalente en sentido al ingles "elephant in the room" es : " persona o situación amenazante o desagradable que las personas intentan olvidar o a que las personas evitan enfrentarse durante las discusiones".

PS: Take a look at these free Spanish educational resources: Training: longest wordDefinite and Indefinite ArticlesBolivia TimelineMasculine and Feminine


RB2 profile picture RB2June 2020
It is exactly the same but in Spanish: "Convidado de piedra"
RB2 profile picture RB2September 2020
en realidad un convidado de piedra no es una persona o situación amenazante o desagradable, sino alguien que sencillamente no aporta.
angel0909 profile picture angel0909June 2020
I not an expert but I think that in spanish there is not a exact phrase that means "elephant in the room", not at a general level of the language.

But, on a regional level, in centain countries there are! In Colombia for example there are several very colloquial phrases that mean that. But I don't know if those work for you, they are very very particular and only locals use them...