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Can anyone tell me what's the difference between 'carro' and 'coche'?

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mikvarg profile picture mikvargJune 2017
Para mí coche sólo los que usan los bebés y carro es automovil o para comprar supermercado
Manrique1910 profile picture Manrique1910June 2017
For me it's the same, just another form of calling a car
Saralou96 profile picture Saralou96June 2017
"coche" and "auto" are used in Spain, both of them mean "car". In most Latin American countries people use to say "carro" instead of "coche", with the exception of Argentina and Uruguay. Here in Venezuela, for example, "coche" means "stroller/pushchair"
liberhadi profile picture liberhadiJune 2017
Carro and coche it means a car the only thing is that Carro more used in countries of L.A. in other hand coche is used in Castilian which means Spain.
mariantocordero profile picture mariantocorderoJune 2017
En Venezuela:
Carro= automovil
Coche= donde pasean a los bebes.
tihanycarrillo profile picture tihanycarrilloJune 2017
In venezuela, 'carro' is a car and 'coche' is a baby stroller
jesus_boca profile picture jesus_bocaJune 2017
There is no difference, they are different terms to refer to a single thing
Idaliss profile picture IdalissMarch 2017
They are only synonyms