АДКАЗАЦЬ - Español

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Intercambio mi español por practicar y aprender ingles


carlos253 profile picture carlos253August 2013
hello how are you ? iam carlos from peru iam 21 years old it is a pleasure for me to have the opportunity to exchange cultures ideas and languages i speak spanish my mother tongue , english and french this page is simply amazing i love it jejej you can add me in skype my account is carloncho253 jeje i would like to thank you in advance it has been a pleasure and have a good day :P je voudrais bien te remercien en avance j`espere que tu aies une journnée exceptionelle you can also add me in facebook my account is carlos arbieto garcia quel plaisir avoir le chance d`enrichir le langues merci
drejto profile picture drejtoDecember 2012
Hola Valentina. Estoy aqui para que mejorarlo mi español, pero hablo ingles; es mi lengua materna. Quieres tener un intercambio? No sé como esto funciona.