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Estoy buscando ayuda con el español!

Hola! Quiero practicar Español. Peudo ayudar con Inglés. Gracias (:


Javierzgz profile picture JavierzgzJanuary 2015
I'm interested in your offer. I can help you with Spanish and I could use a little of help in English!! If you want, let me know please.
Fernando777 profile picture Fernando777December 2014

Hi! It's some months since I began to study in order to take the CAE exams of Cambridge so I'd be glad to have someone to ask when I have doubts. And of course! I could help you out with your Spanish if you want :)

Cryptodira profile picture CryptodiraDecember 2014
Hello. I am trying to improve my English and I am a native Spanish speaker. Would you like to exchange emails with me?