Tiempo pasado y pretérito

Vota ara!


I have a question about these two tenses in Spanish. As I've understood it, you use past tense if something used to happen in the past, and preterite if something just happend once in the past. 

"I talked with Maria yesterday" <-- when this is translated to Spanish it should be written in preterite: "Ayer hablé con Maria"

"I talked with Maria during the entire summer" <-- when this is translated to Spanish it should be written in past tense: "Hablaba con Maria durante todo el verano"

Is this correct?






tmsfcfm profile picture tmsfcfmNovember 2016
Yes, it's correct.
But "pretérito" and "pasado" have the same meaning,

pretérito = pasado = pasado simple = pretérito perfecto (hablé)

copréterito = pasado imperfecto = pretérito imperfecto (hablaba)

If you want I can help you, send me a message
Fredanto profile picture FredantoNovember 2016

¡It's correct!