I learn Serbian.

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Hello everybody and mostly those who speak Serbian :)My name is Sveta and i'm from Saint-Petersburg (Russia)

Currently I'm learning serbian language and i would love to be able to speak it.

Does anyone can help me in this. I may offer my russian as an exchange.)

Cheers :)


Jelena12 profile picture Jelena12April 2013
Cao, Sveto. Ja sam nova ovde i vidim sad tvoj post. Nadam se da si naucila srpski, i da mozes da me razumes. Ja mogu da ti pomognem u ucenju srpskog jezika, a ti meni zauzvrat u ucenju ruskog jezika koji big volela dobro da naucim.
Eca profile picture EcaSeptember 2011

i can also help you :) lucky you, having two teachers :))) 

luckynina4 profile picture luckynina4June 2011

  I will help u if u want :)