I want to learn Gaelic

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I'm Belgian, so I can offer Dutch courses, but I want to learn Gaelic, is there anyone out there who can teach me? I tried online coures, but I think it'd be better to learn from someone who can teach me correct pronounciation, as the onlin courses aren't the same as a decent teacher.

I can take the courses in English, as I have a decent understanding of the language.

Please be my teacher!


RichardMRaw profile picture RichardMRawJanuary 2014
Hi there ! I'd be happy to help you with Gaelic. Please feel free to ask away. Are you a complete beginner or have you already learned a bit of Gaelic?
  • TonydePony profile picture TonydePonyJanuary 2014
    I'm a omplete beginner, I only know one word failté, and I don't even know the correct pronounciation ;p so someone willing to teach me the basics on skype or something like that. You'd be my hero if you want to be my teacher