GIVE ANSWERS - Русский язык

100% GOOD (2 votes)Sense resposta
привет... меня зовут Aulia, I'am looking for Russian friends to teach me Russian from the very beginning, anyone can help me ?



Arbuzik20013 profile picture Arbuzik20013October 2014
I can help you
Nastya212014 profile picture Nastya212014October 2014
Hello! I can help you.
Rezwalqer profile picture RezwalqerOctober 2014
Hello Aulia. I hope that I can halp you. I can write me or call me to skype: xelsing369
AnnaLitvinova profile picture AnnaLitvinovaSeptember 2014
Hi, I can help you to. Write me!
Mirvays profile picture MirvaysSeptember 2014

Hi i can help you my skype  mirvays123

cabinka profile picture cabinkaSeptember 2014
I can help you if you want.
Onasani profile picture OnasaniSeptember 2014
Hi, I can help you with Russian, and l will be very glad, if you help me improve my English =)
Dilia184 profile picture Dilia184September 2014
Hello :-) I am looking friends to teach me English. We can help each other