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Privet - Skorogovorki Translation

Would someone be so kind as to translate these skorogovorki for me? I know many of these even though my Russian isn't too good, but these are new ones for me. Thanks in advance.

жужжит, как жужелица, жужжит, да кружится
была у Фрола — Фролу на Лавра наврала, пойдет к Лавру на Фрола Лавру наврет,


lloonga profile picture lloongaSeptember 2014
Hello! If I am useful, I can help. I have two skypes:bobby_1971 and lloonga Do not hesitate to write me.
TatyanaSkoryh profile picture TatyanaSkoryhJuly 2014
Жужелица - it's a carabus or a ground beetle
Dugarov profile picture DugarovApril 2014
"It's buzzing as a beetle, it's buzzing and it's circling".
"Жужелица" is kind of a beetle but I don't know right translation.
  • Olssya profile picture OlssyaApril 2014
    Привет, почему ты решил учить скороговорки?