GIVE ANSWERS - Русский язык

Stem nou!onbeantwoord
how is the perfect way to learn Russian?


Onata-ly profile picture Onata-lyJuly 2014
I can help with Russian . But I would like to improve my English
Arsen_cho profile picture Arsen_choJanuary 2014
Communication with me)) I can help you with it)
planetabartera profile picture planetabarteraJanuary 2014
Free meeting for native speakers (english, french, spanish, german) in Moscow. Games.
we can help to study russian language
Moscow. Starbucks на Серпуховской, Стремянный переулок, 38/3,
every Sunday at 17:00

see more on website
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mARINA123 profile picture mARINA123January 2014
I can help you with Russian.
Sarcina profile picture SarcinaJanuary 2014
Hi there! I think you should speak Russian everyday
serzh21083 profile picture serzh21083December 2013
Hey, I can help you with the Russian language, feel free to write)
Sasha94 profile picture Sasha94November 2013
i think you can try watch film in russian with english subtitles.
GexBali profile picture GexBaliNovember 2013
What is the basic thing that we should know when we decided to learn Russian language besides knowing the alfabet and the gender?
The various of sufix,prefix,and interfix those also confusing me,,