GIVE ANSWERS - Русский язык

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Hi everyone, I am studying Russian at University, I'm studing English and Russian. For the 1st and 2nd years I was really good at it for the level asked by professors, than i stopped uni for 1 year, I lived in London to improve my English. Now I have returned to Uni but my russian is not the same and I feel like the loser of my class. I loved this language but now I feel so dejected and depressed and I am starting to hate my russian lessons. I feel I am blocked also mentally about it. We are talking about law and economy but I don't feel my level is enough even to do a simple conversation. Help..... I am worry that I will arrive to hate Russian leaving it even if I really enjoy it...

PS: Here are some related free lessons to learn Russian: Learning lesson: EducationHobbiesAdjective AgreementPrepositional Case


michaeldl profile picture michaeldlMarch 2019

First of all: always do what you really like.
If you are unhappy doing something, think about whether you need it and how badly you want it.

Secondly: do not compare yourself with other people.
Compare your level at different times.
It’s natural that in a year without practice you lost some of your skills. Take it for granted. Let it be your new point of reference.

Thirdly: you may not be interested in current topics at the university. It happens. Try to find interesting topics for yourself. Try to set interesting goals for you personally. Let the things that bring you pleasure help you to achieve what is expected of you. I often use this technique. So I deal with the boring things I need to do.

Fourthly: everyone needs their own approach. You can poorly assimilate information from their teachers. And it may not be your fault. You just can not approach each other. Sometimes it is worth changing a teacher or finding another in addition.

As a consequence of this point: use as many sources of information as possible for the same topic or area of ​​knowledge. Sources that are by default may not be digested as well.

And do not forget that we live in the era of the Internet.
Find in the Russian YouTube segment interesting channels. Find movies in Russian. Well, or just find a native speaker.

Good luck to you.

exRanger profile picture exRangerFebruary 2019
I agree, you should connect with one of the MANY native-Russian speakers, persons who reside in Russia and Ukraine in particular, who are members at this site. The web-based telecommunications tools, e.g., VIBER, Whatsapp, and (of course) Skype all work pretty well between the "western" EU state (I see that you're in Italy; I'm in France) and regions throughout Ukraine -- which isn;t all that far from us -- and Russia. Heck, one of the strongest telecommunication connections I have is with a Russian native speaker in TOMSK -- a city that is 6,200km from where I live in France.

So connect here, use apps to text, schedule conversations, talk. It is that simple. Удачи вам!

SabiKam profile picture SabiKamMay 2019
Hi Sara. U can always write,I will help you with Russian
dondublon profile picture dondublonFebruary 2019
Hello, Sara!

Please, don't drop your lessons! I admit that the Russian language is complex.
Write to me, and we will chat about any easy theme.

YekaterinaS profile picture YekaterinaSMarch 2019
Hello, Sara! I'm from Russia. If you want, we can talk.
Yana_Yana_ profile picture Yana_Yana_February 2019
Hi, Sara I would be happy to talk to you in Russian. If you need more language practice, feel free to contact me