DA RESPUESTAS - Русский язык

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Hi everyone, I am studying Russian at University, I'm studing English and Russian. For the 1st and 2nd years I was really good at it for the level asked by professors, than i stopped uni for 1 year, I lived in London to improve my English. Now I have returned to Uni but my russian is not the same and I feel like the loser of my class. I loved this language but now I feel so dejected and depressed and I am starting to hate my russian lessons. I feel I am blocked also mentally about it. We are talking about law and economy but I don't feel my level is enough even to do a simple conversation. Help..... I am worry that I will arrive to hate Russian leaving it even if I really enjoy it...

PS: Here are some related free lessons to learn Russian: Learning lesson: EducationHobbiesAdjective AgreementPrepositional Case


dondublon profile picture dondublonFebruary 2019
BTW, What is "Uni"?