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Hello,I would like to know the diffrerence between the prepositions О и Об????in Russian,thank you.

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Igor105 profile picture Igor105October 2018
The reason is phonetics. The analogue are articles a and an in English. The goal is to insert a consonant sound between vowels.
michaeldl profile picture michaeldlOctober 2018
it depends on which sound (vowel or consonant) the next word begins with and in what case it is used:

1) in the accusative case, before words beginning with consonants (except for the pronominal words: "все", "всю", "всех", "всё", "что"),
the prepositions “О” and “Об” are used.
"ударился о камень"
"ударился об камень"
(both sentences are correct)

2) in the accusative case, before the words beginning with vowels, only the preposition “Об” is used.
"споткнулся об острый камень";

3) in the accusative case before the following forms of pronouns: "все", "все", "всех", "всю", "что", "что-либо", "что-нибудь", "что-то"
is used the preposition “Обо”.
- "Cпоткнулся обо все камни"
- "Обо что ты споткнулся?"

4) in the prepositional case, before the words beginning with consonants (except the forms of pronouns: "мне", "всем", "всей", "всех"), the preposition “о” is used.
"узнал о родственниках".

5) in the prepositional case the words “об” are used before the words beginning with vowels:
"вспоминать об отце",
"задуматься об учебе".

6) in the prepositional case before the forms of pronouns "мне", "всем", "всей", "всех" the preposition “обо” is used:
"узнал обо всех родственниках",
"вспомнил обо мне".
In fiction it is possible to meet exceptions: "о всем", "о всей", "о всех".
"Девушка пела в церковном хоре
О всех усталых в чужом краю ... "
А. Блок

Sorry for my English :-)
Alexey7777777 profile picture Alexey7777777October 2018
Je ne peux qu'ajouter à l'explication d'Igor105 .

Il y a aussi la troisième forme : « обо ».

Exemples :
Мы говорим обо мне
Мы говорим о вас
Мы говорим об этом.