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Difference between "в" and "на" for destination.

I'm trying to understand the difference between "в" and "на". So far I think I get the idea of when to use which. I though "в" was for countries, so I want to know why we say "Мы едем в Петербург" but we also say "Поезд на Петербург".

Sorry for the question not being in Russian, but I'm still too much of a beginner to word this whole question in Russian.

Thank you!

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ferrality profile picture ferralityAugust 2017
From my point of view "Поезд на Петербург" sounds like "Поезд на Берлин" (as people said during WWII) - kind of agressive or smth like that. So "Мы едем в Петербург/Москву/Россию/Испанию" is 100% correct. "На" is usually used with sides of the world ("Мы едем на юг/север/восток/запад") or islands ("Мы летим на Шри-Ланку"), or mountains ("Мы собираемся взобраться на Эверест").
Saida1992 profile picture Saida1992August 2017
На' used not often, you shoud say В' about cities. Also in russian you can say Поезд до Петербурга))and it will be correct too
Alytona profile picture AlytonaAugust 2017

I think, you can say also "Поезд в Петербург", it will correct.

But if you will say "Едем на Петербург", it will incorrect. "Самолет на Петербург" - it will not correct too. Otherwise, "Рейс на Петербург" - it is right.

On phylological forums written, that rule for that case is not exist. In any case, "в" will more reliably, because 'в' is mean 'inside'.

But is incorrect to say "в север, в юг", correct is "на север, на юг". May be, 'на' is used when destination is side of world (north, south, etc.)?