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how can we use твой и свой ? please and I need someone to help me to practice ( speaking ) my russian


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Effulgence profile picture EffulgenceJanuary 2017

Possessive pronouns   ضمائر الملكية  les pronoms possessifs  Притяжательные местоимения

"твой" ''свой''



2 similar sentences in English. We use the same one word in both and do not detect any difference:

1. I ate ''your'' burger.

2. You ate ''your'' burger.

What word would we use in Russian in each sentence?

1. I ate ''твой'' burger.

2. You ate ''свой'' burger.

Why? Why not use the same word ''твой'' in both sentences?

Close, literal translation:

1. I ate ''your'' burger.

2. You ate ''own'' burger.


1. I ate your burger. Not mine. Not my own. Whose? Yours. (твой)

2. You ate your burger. Yours. Your own. (свой)


So we use ''твой'' or ''свой'' depending on the following condition:

1. The thing (someone's own thing) doesn't belong to the one who does the action, /  Do not use word ''свой'' (own). Use ''твой'' (your)

2. The thing (someone's own thing) belongs to the one who does the action.  / Use ''свой'' (own).


1. I ate your burger. Who did? I did. Whose burger? Not mine. (not own, not свой)

2. You ate your burger. Who did? You did. Whose burger? Yours. (own, свой)



Here are Jack, Kelly and a dollar. The dollar belongs to Jack.

1. Kelly says: - Jack, I'm going to take your dollar.

2. Kelly says: - Jack, give me your dollar.



There's an action - taking of someone's dollar.

The dollar belongs to one person - to Jack.

He isn't taking his own dollar.

Another person is taking Jack's own dollar - Kelly.

Kelly is taking not her own dollar.

In Russian we'll say:

1. Kelly says: - Jack, I'm going to take твой dollar.



There's an action - giving of someone's dollar.

The dollar still belongs to Jack.

It is him who is to give the dollar - his own dollar.

In Russian we'll say:

2. Kelly says: - Jack, give me свой dollar.


Practice with the following

1. Kelly says: - Jack, next Sunday I will give your money (dollar) back.

2. Jack says: - Kelly, don't you have a dollar of your own?


3. - You should reconsider your opinion. 4. I consider your opinion incorrect.

5. - I' ll fix your car for some fee. 6. How did you crash your car?

7. - I'll prompt you what you should do to fix your car.

8. - Did you ask him to find your cat? 9. Didn't you try to find your cat with no help?


Same rule works with the other Russian possessive pronouns - equivalents of:

- my, mine (мой)

- our, our's (наш)

- your, your's (plural form ваш)

- his (его)

- her, her's (её)

- its (его) neutral gender

- their, their's (их).


So, in the above I've given you some check examples - 9 test sentences containing possessive pronouns ''your'' (твой, свой).

Give us your russian equivalents to each pronoun ''your''.

Who is the doer of the action in each example? And does the object of the action belong to the doer in each example?


If there remain any questions on the Pronouns Use issue, feel free to clarify it with our help. We'll give you more examples or explanations.

Maraham profile picture MarahamFebruary 2017
Хмм, сложный вопрос (Hmm, this is a difficult question).
Мне кажется, что... (I think that...)
твой = your
свой = own
= Другими словами (in other words) :
твой = your
свой = that ... have(s)
- - -
Примеры (examples):
Ты любишь ТВОЕГО кота = You love YOUR cat.
Ты любишь СВОЕГО кота = You love cat, that you HAVE.
СВОЯ машина это хорошо = The OWN car is well.
! No "The your car is well."
Твой дом прекрасен = Your house is goodly.
! No "The own house is goodly."
- - -
elena_zhar profile picture elena_zharJune 2017
Если вещь принадлежит тому, о ком мы говорим, то всегда можно сказать "свой"
I take my book - Я беру свою книгу.
She takes her book - она берет свою книгу
You take your book - ты берешь свою книгу
Но, если речь идёт о чужой вещи, то приходится указывать, кому именно эта вещь принадлежит:
Он взял мою книгу, я взяла его карандаш :-)
Успехов Вам!!!
temralieva profile picture temralievaFebruary 2017
1."твой" - your, "свой"- my
i need your book - мне нужна твоя книга
i need my book - мне нужна своя книга
2.also "свой" means "own" :
you have to use your (own) car - ты должен использовать свой (собственный) автомобиль
i have to use my (own) car - я должен использовать свой (собственный) автомобиль
свой - my,your, his (own),
свою - her(own)
свои - our, their (own)
Nul_en_langues_06 profile picture Nul_en_langues_06January 2017
Si mes souvenir sont bon ,il faut utiliser "свой " dans 2 conditions.Celui qui fait l'action est le possesseur de l'objet et en même temps celui qui fait la proposition
Egore profile picture EgoreFebruary 2017
Я могу с тобой поговорит по русски например в skype