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Can you tell me some good russian books to read for an intrested german? :)


AlexaGri profile picture AlexaGriMarch 2013
Are you interested in classic or modern books?
Diana3456 profile picture Diana3456February 2013
Väter und Söhne. (Отцы и дети, И.С.Тургенев)
Dane4ka profile picture Dane4kaFebruary 2013
What kind of boks do you want to read?
For example, you can try to start from Jerome Klapka Jerome hree Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog) It is easy and funny to read.
ybelov profile picture ybelovMarch 2013
If you want to read easy but unadapted books in Russian, you can start with short stories by Chekhov.