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    • White Tiger Mystery Solved: Coat Color Produced by Single Change in Pigment Gene.
    • May 23, 2013 — White tigers today are only seen in zoos, but they belong in nature, say researchers reporting new evidence about what makes those tigers white.
    • Their spectacular white coats are produced by a single change in a known pigment gene, according to the study, appearing on May 23 in Current Biology, a Cell Press publication.
    • "The white tiger represents part of the natural genetic diversity of the tiger that is worth conserving, but is now seen only in captivity," says Shu-Jin Luo of China's Peking University.
    • Luo, Xiao Xu, Ruiqiang Li, and their colleagues advocate a proper captive management program to maintain a healthy Bengal tiger population including both white and orange tigers.
    • They say it might even be worth considering the reintroduction of white tigers into their wild habitat.
    • The researchers mapped the genomes of a family of 16 tigers living in Chimelong Safari Park, including both white and orange individuals.
    • They then sequenced the whole genomes of each of the three parents in the family.

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  • câu 1
    • White Tiger Mystery Solved: Coat Color Produced by Single Change in Pigment Gene.
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    • White Tiger Mystery Solved: Coat Color Produced by Single Change in Pigment Gene.Секрет Белого Тигра раскрыт: цвет шерсти обусловлен одиночным изменением в гене окраса
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  • câu 2
    • May 23, 2013 — White tigers today are only seen in zoos, but they belong in nature, say researchers reporting new evidence about what makes those tigers white.
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    • May Май 23, 2013 — White tigers today are only seen in zoos, but they belong in nature, say researchers reporting new evidence about what makes those tigers white- Сегодня белых тигров можно увидеть только в зоопарках, но они часть природы, говорят исследователи, сообщая новые доказательства о причинах окраса белых тигров.
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  • câu 3
    • Their spectacular white coats are produced by a single change in a known pigment gene, according to the study, appearing on May 23 in Current Biology, a Cell Press publication.
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    • Their spectacular white coats are produced by a single change in a known pigment gene, according to the study, appearing on Mayв соответствии с учением, появившемся 23 inмая Current Biology, aпубликации Cell Press publication, их необычная белая шерсть создается одиночной мутацией в известном пигментном гене.
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  • câu 4
    • "The white tiger represents part of the natural genetic diversity of the tiger that is worth conserving, but is now seen only in captivity," says Shu-Jin Luo of China's Peking University.
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    • "The white tiger represents part of the natural genetic diversity of the tiger that is worth conserving, but is now seen only in captivity," says Shu-Jin Luo of China's Peking University "Белый тигр демонстрирует часть естественного генетического многообразия тигров, которое стоит сохранить, но сегодня видится только в неволе", сообщает Shu-Jin Luo, Пекинский университет Китая.
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  • câu 5
    • Luo, Xiao Xu, Ruiqiang Li, and their colleagues advocate a proper captive management program to maintain a healthy Bengal tiger population including both white and orange tigers.
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    • Luo, Xiao Xu, Ruiqiang Li, and their colleagues advocate a proper captive management program to maintain a healthy Bengal tiger population including both white and orange tigersи другие коллеги отстаивают надлежащую программу бережного содержания в неволе для поддержания здоровья популяции Бенгальских тигров, включая оба вида - белых и оранжевых.
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  • câu 6
    • They say it might even be worth considering the reintroduction of white tigers into their wild habitat.
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    • They say it might even be worth considering the reintroduction of white tigers into their wild habitatОни говорят, что возможно даже стоит выпустить белых тигров в их дикую среду обитания.
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  • câu 7
    • The researchers mapped the genomes of a family of 16 tigers living in Chimelong Safari Park, including both white and orange individuals.
      Bầu chọn ngay!
    • The researchers mapped the genomes of a family of 16 tigers living in Chimelong Safari Park, including both white and orange individuals Исследователи получили геномы семьи 16 тигров, живущих в Chimelong Safari Park, включая белых и оранжевых особей.
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  • câu 8
    • They then sequenced the whole genomes of each of the three parents in the family.
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    • They then sequenced the whole genomes of each of the three parents in the family. Впоследствии они получили полные геномы каждого из трех родителей в семье.
    • They then sequenced the whole genomes of each of the three parents in the family. Затем последовательность полного генома каждого из трех родителей в семье.
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