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  • Advanced Biological Computer Developed.
    • May 23, 2013 — Using only biomolecules (such as DNA and enzymes), scientists at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology have developed and constructed an advanced biological transducer, a computing machine capable of manipulating genetic codes, and using the output as new input for subsequent computations.
    • The breakthrough might someday create new possibilities in biotechnology, including individual gene therapy and cloning.
  • Interest in such biomolecular computing devices is strong, mainly because of their ability (unlike electronic computers) to interact directly with biological systems and even living organisms.
  • No interface is required since all components of molecular computers, including hardware, software, input and output, are molecules that interact in solution along a cascade of programmable chemical events.
  • "Our results show a novel, synthetic designed computing machine that computes iteratively and produces biologically relevant results," says lead researcher Prof. Ehud Keinan of the Technion Schulich Faculty of Chemistry.
  • "In addition to enhanced computation power, this DNA-based transducer offers multiple benefits, including the ability to read and transform genetic information, miniaturization to the molecular scale, and the aptitude to produce computational results that interact directly with living organisms."


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  • Oració 1
  • Oració 2
    • May 23, 2013 — Using only biomolecules (such as DNA and enzymes), scientists at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology have developed and constructed an advanced biological transducer, a computing machine capable of manipulating genetic codes, and using the output as new input for subsequent computations.
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    • May 2323 мая, 2013 — Using only biomolecules (such as DNA and enzymes), scientists at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology have developed and constructed an advanced biological transducer, a computing machine capable of manipulating genetic codes, and using the output as new input for subsequent computations.- Использовав только биомолекулы (например, ДНК и ферменты), учёные из Технион-израильского технологического института разработали и построили передовой биологический преобразователь, вычислительная машина способная манипулировать генетическими кодами, и с использованием выходных как новых входных для последующих вычислений
    • Afegeix una nova correcció. - Oració 2Afegeix una nova correcció. - Oració 2
  • Oració 3
    • The breakthrough might someday create new possibilities in biotechnology, including individual gene therapy and cloning.
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    • The breakthrough might someday create new possibilities in biotechnology, including individual gene therapy and cloningВозможно, что очередной научный прорыв откроет новые возможности в биотехнологии, в том числе индивидуальную гено-терапию и клонирование.
    • Afegeix una nova correcció. - Oració 3Afegeix una nova correcció. - Oració 3
  • Oració 4
    • Interest in such biomolecular computing devices is strong, mainly because of their ability (unlike electronic computers) to interact directly with biological systems and even living organisms.
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    • Afegeix una nova correcció. - Oració 4Afegeix una nova correcció. - Oració 4
  • Oració 5
    • No interface is required since all components of molecular computers, including hardware, software, input and output, are molecules that interact in solution along a cascade of programmable chemical events.
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    • Afegeix una nova correcció. - Oració 5Afegeix una nova correcció. - Oració 5
  • Oració 6
    • "Our results show a novel, synthetic designed computing machine that computes iteratively and produces biologically relevant results," says lead researcher Prof. Ehud Keinan of the Technion Schulich Faculty of Chemistry.
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    • Afegeix una nova correcció. - Oració 6Afegeix una nova correcció. - Oració 6
  • Oració 7
    • "In addition to enhanced computation power, this DNA-based transducer offers multiple benefits, including the ability to read and transform genetic information, miniaturization to the molecular scale, and the aptitude to produce computational results that interact directly with living organisms."
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    • Afegeix una nova correcció. - Oració 7Afegeix una nova correcció. - Oració 7