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  • Colossal Aggregations of Giant Alien Freshwater Fish as a Potential Biogeochemical Hotspot. Oct.
  • 6, 2011 — Many different types of animals come together to form vast groups -- insect swarms, mammal herds, or bird flocks, for example.
  • Researchers in France added another example to the list, reported October 5 in the online journal PLoS ONE: the huge Wels catfish, the world's third largest and Europe's largest fresh-water fish.
  • Researchers observed these fish in the Rhone River from May 2009 to Feb.
  • 2011 and found that they formed dense groups of 15 to 44 individuals, corresponding to an estimated total biomass of up to 1132 kilograms with a biomass density of 14 to 40 kilograms per square meter.
  • Unlike traditional behavior seen in schools of fish, the catfish in the aggregations did not all point in the same direction and sometimes came into contact with their neighbors.
  • Researchers were not able to determine the reason for this behavior, though they ruled out reproduction, foraging, and safety from predators.
  • The species originates from Eastern Europe and is not native to the Rhone, so the researchers were curious what effect these large aggregations may have on the local ecosystem.
  • They calculate that the groups of fish could excrete extremely large amount of phosphorus and nitrogen in their waste, creating potentially the highest biogeochemical hotspots reported in freshwater ecosystems.