GIVE ANSWERS - Limba Română

Bầu chọn ngay!Chưa trả lời
hello :) i'would like learn romanian, i'm italian and i can help with italian


daniela2050 profile picture daniela2050July 2016
Hello, If you're still interested I can help you learn Romanian.
ALLESSIA profile picture ALLESSIAMay 2016
Ciao. ..mi farebbe molto piacere. .poter aiutarti a imparare la lingua rumena.
daniela2050 profile picture daniela2050February 2016
Hi, If you are still interested I could help you learn Romanian.Also I would like to learn Italian and about your culture.
abdoakta profile picture abdoaktaMay 2015
i want to learn romanian my skype : abdel-rahman6