GIVE ANSWERS - Limba Română

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1. What are the Simple (and most used) Tenses of Romanian?

1. What are the Simple (and most used) Tenses of Romanian?
2. Is there a difference in structures of Simple Present Tense and Present Continuous Tense in Romanian? I mean, is there a difference in structure when I say: -I am reading a book now.- AND -I read a book every month.-

PS: Find free Romanian learning lessons here: Teaching: Complex Sentences and ConnectorsQuantity in RomanianVerbs in RomanianEducation


ancusor_il profile picture ancusor_ilJune 2019
In Romanian we don't care so much, we understand each other in all ways.
Victor555 profile picture Victor555September 2019
1. I think in romanian is not only one most used tense, but most simple is Present Simple.
2. No, in this language isn't any difference between Present Simple and Present Continuous.