100% GOOD (1 votes)Tidak dijawabPertanyaan Bahasa
Bună dimineaţa, bună dimineața, buna dimineata?

I'm starting to learn Romanian and my only means to ask is to ask in English, which is more international than my Spanish. I have a question in which I don't know which of these Romanian "good morning" is the correct form. Here is a complete list of what I found and you tell me which is the most "proper" one. I know not everyone pronounces their "good morning" the same, depending of the county and region, but mostly I want to know which one would be gramatically more correct to use if you wanted to publish a formal paper for example.

1. Bună dimineaţa

2. Bună dimineața

3. Buna dimineata

4. Bunã dimineață

Thank you in advance for your help. Sorry if I'm not writing this in Romanian. I'm still learning the ropes :(

PS: Delve into these free Romanian learning lessons: Learning class: Basic PrepositionsPresent Tense of VerbsVerbs in RomanianGeography and Landmarks


aalexei profile picture aalexeiNovember 2016
Hola! El segundo ejemplo (Bună dimineața) es el mas correcto. La diferencia entre el primero y segundo es en t con cedilla y t con coma. En el alfabeto rumano vemos t con coma, pero como no todos los sistemas y teclados tienen esta letra, a veces se utiliza ţ.
  • ergoreclud profile picture ergorecludJanuary 2017
    Mulțumesc mult aalexei! Tenía esa duda sobre por qué veía tanto la ţ en vez de la ț, no sabía lo del problema de los teclados.
ionica_por profile picture ionica_porDecember 2016
Românește este corect să scrii BUNĂ DIMINEAȚA!, dar se poate scrie și fără diacritice (ă, ț) sub forma BUNA DIMINEATA!