Romanian audio samples?

33% GOOD (3 votes)

  I'm French and I've been learning Romanian for 3 months by almost never hearing someone speak. So I would like to have free downloadable romanian speeches or conversations.

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cristina-magdalena profile picture cristina-magdalenaJune 2007
Hi! I'm Cristina from Romania and I can help you with your Romanian my address is  cristina-magdalenacristina-magdalena profile picture . You can add me in your mesenger list. I live in Bucharest, the capital of Romania. pe curand!
cristina-magdalena profile picture cristina-magdalenaJune 2007
Buna seara! Eu sunt romanca nativa si va pot ajuta. Doresc sa invat franceza. Ma numesc Cristina si am 25 ani. Locuiesc in Bucuresti, capitala Romaniei. Adresa mea este  cristina-magdalenacristina-magdalena profile picture si ma puteti adauga in lista dumneavoastra de mesenger. La revedere!