Interested in learning brazilian portuguese. :)

100% GOOD (1 votes)
Recently I've taken the first step to learn portuguese. I believe it's gonna be a long road (although fun, hopefully) and at the moment I'm at a really really early stage but I'm interested in finding someone who could help me in the process.

And of course, I'd be more than happy to help if you're interested in turkish (my native language) or want to practice english. I guess my english level can be defined as 'very good', though I mostly focused on reading and writing and I haven't really had much chance to practice speaking so I'm a bit lacking at that deparment. And I appreciate any chance to improve it.

Anyway, let me know if you're interested.

Ate logo. :)


Lisyh profile picture LisyhApril 2010


I am brazilian and I  have studied  English at College.

I can help you.


rql21 profile picture rql21January 2009

I think I can help you.

I am economy student and I live in Rio ...

Entre em contato.
